A lot has changed for Nayamode in the last several years including our people, leadership team, offices, businesses we operate, customers we serve. We’ve spun out businesses, acquired a couple of businesses (Bluewave and MobileOn) in two different states (CA and Minnesota), changed our business model, restructured the company. I could go on but you […]
Chompathon Design Challenge: Company One Slider
How do you tell a story in one frame? This was the question posed to our design team in another Chompathon design challenge – to extrapolate what they saw as the essence of a company into one slide. The goal: take a dry page of data about a company—something we often get as a starting […]
Chompathon Creative Exercise: Throwback Album Posters
In our previous design exercise, the Bluewave creative team played a game of Record Roulette, creating album art with randomly-generated band names, album titles, and images. When sharing our final pieces, Art Director Martin suggested we keep the momentum going and do a Part 2 of this exercise. The plan: In a throwback to music […]
Chompathon Design Exercise: Record Roulette
Have you ever been stuck on a layout or logo design and run out of inspiration? Sometimes the best thing to do is to put down your client work and try something fun. This is where the Chompathons come into play! We need to work that creative muscle and keep it toned. Read more about […]
Exercise your creative mind: Chompathons
So, as many designers know, sometimes the day to day can be a little… dry. While we take pride in the work we do for our clients, the Bluewave designers came up with a way to exercise their creativity outside of billable work – what we like to call Chompathons! Chompathons are creative exercises intended to […]
The women behind design for everyday life
As we wrap up Women’s History Month, the Bluewave team has been focused on how women designers have shaped the creative world—in particular, the idea that good design belongs in everyday life. As Bluewave’s Design Director, Karen Kamberg, says: “[It’s all about]… our ability to take complex ideas and reduce them down to their simplest […]