In looking for ways to produce visually stunning presentations for clients or end-users, Microsoft PowerPoint can be a design powerhouse. However, most users don’t make the most of PowerPoint’s design capabilities and miss out on the benefits that come with a well-designed template. Office suite’s “power users” – like the expert design team at Bluewave […]
Must-know Presentation Design Tips to Avoid Problems When Projecting
Sometimes presentations that display beautifully on your monitor just don’t look that great when projected. We’ve pulled together some of our best presentation design tips for using graphics, colors, and fonts that will help your presentation look great on the big screen. Graphics Placement: In some venues, sightlines can be obstructed by rows of seats. As a result, […]
PowerPoint Meets Improv
Imagine yourself on stage, just before giving a presentation to a packed house. The spotlight is bright, the audience is smiling at you, the mic is hot. You launch into your topic, click your slideshow remote and turn slightly to reference the first slide—which you’ve never seen before. This is the premise of Speechless, a unique event […]
Intro to Google Drive and Google Slides
Google Drive is a free service from Google that lets you create, edit, store and share files that you can access on your computer, tablet or smart phone at any time. You can use Google Drive as a cloud storage service (like Dropbox or Box)—the Google Drive app can be installed as a folder on your […]
A Presenter’s Worst Nightmare
It happens to the best of us. Despite preparations–testing equipment, rehearsing in the space–technology can let you down right in the middle of a presentation. How do you handle these unforeseeable hiccups? Watch how a presenter at one of the most prestigious speaking events deals with this all-too-common issue. Well… maybe it wasn’t so unforeseen […]