Avoid Blurry Photos in PowerPoint

Avoid Blurry Photos in PowerPoint

How often have you opened up a PowerPoint, started the slideshow mode, only to be stopped in your tracks by a photo that’s blurry? We’ve received many desperate emails from clients asking, “Can you do something with the photos? Why are they so blurry and fuzzy?” A rose is a rose… What happened? Most likely […]

Help! Why Is My PowerPoint File So Big?

Help! Why Is My PowerPoint File So Big?

One of the many questions that we receive at the Bluewave studio is, “Why are my PowerPoint files so huge (in terms of file size)?” Well, a picture is worth a thousand words—and also a thousand kilobytes. When you add photos to a presentation, obviously the PowerPoint file size is going to get bigger. Even […]

How to Get Help with Microsoft Office Products

Microsoft Office Discussion Groups is a great resource for any questions you may have about working with PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Outlook and other Microsoft Office products. It’s the place to go when you’ve finally thrown in the towel and conceded defeat, or just want to get more familiar with techniques and procedures. http://www.microsoft.com/office/community/en-us/default.mspx  You can ask questions […]

Problems with Arial Black?

We encountered a strange situation recently with the font Arial Black in PowerPoint: all instances of the font suddenly turned italic. Nothing we could think to do removed the italic formatting. And even odder, this problem only occurred on certain workstations. After some sleuthing on Google, we discovered that the Windows Service Pack 3 upgrade apparently installs […]