Inserting Screenshots in PowerPoint 2010

Here’s a quick and easy way to insert screenshots onto your PowerPoint 2010 slide:

On the Insert tab, select Screenshot. The Available Windows panel opens, showing thumbnails of all the application windows currently open on your desktop. Select one of the thumbnails to insert a screenshot on the slide.
Large screenshots automatically scale to fit within the slide boundaries, a huge improvement over the past when you might have had to press Print Screen (or Alt+Print Screen) to copy a screenshot, paste it on the slide, then zoom out so that you could crop and rescale it to fit.

You can also insert just a portion of a screenshot. On the Insert tab, select Screenshot then click on Screen Clipping. Drag the mouse over the area you want to insert. When you release the mouse, the clipping is placed on the slide.
One caveat: Screen Clipping will display a combined, flat image of all application windows that are currently open, which means individual applications can’t be selected for clipping. If the app window you want isn’t completely visible, you may need to close some of the other applications first and try Screen Clipping again.
These techniques also work with Microsoft Word 2010.

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