Every marketer worth her salt knows the importance of customer satisfaction. There is significant amount of research and data on the impact of good and poor customer experiences. The latter often less immediate than the latter, which can often lead to loss of business, strengthening negative perceptions about your product, service or brand overall and […]
Customer Service – at what cost?
Or, at what point do you fire your customer? This is not meant to be a provocative or even rhetorical question. It’s a question worth pondering for anyone that is in a customer facing role in an organization, or has the power to make decisions about how the company works with their customers, prioritizes them […]
And Mobile marches along
Clearly, mobile continues to open up hitherto unknown opportunities. As a digital marketing agency, we are working with customers on various mobile and Microsoft Tag and QR code related initiatives – from powering contests, real-time coupons, location sensitive campaigns to scavenger hunts and continue to get requests for new, innovative ideas. Just last week, I […]
Beware of echo chambers
When was the last time someone changed your mind on a significant issue in the socio-political sphere? If you’re like most people I know, it was probably a long time ago. I like the political debate just as much as the next person, especially if conducted over a glass of wine and I confess I […]
Much used word but not practiced often enough in business, accountability is the simple act of taking responsibility for your actions. In a casual discussion with someone over a drink today, we were laughing over the phrase “success has many fathers while failure is an orphan” in the context of a program that several people […]
What next, QR?
As a firm that has done some leading edge work around QR codes and Microsoft Tag, Nayamode has some perspective on what works and what doesn’t. A recent article on emarketer.com suggests that reality hasn’t quite kept pace with the promise from QR codes. Marketers are using it widely, possibly indiscriminately, causing potential fatigue and […]
Digital Marketing
I just participated in a three day conference on Digital marketing which was attended by several digital agencies and thought leaders with good vantage points into this emerging space. Interestingly, at the end of three days it became very clear that things are not very clear. Multiple definitions of what digital marketing is, who cares […]

Must-know Presentation Design Tips to Avoid Problems When Projecting
Sometimes presentations that display beautifully on your monitor just don’t look that great when projected. We’ve pulled together some of our best presentation design tips for using graphics, colors, and fonts that will help your presentation look great on the big screen. Graphics Placement: In some venues, sightlines can be obstructed by rows of seats. As a result, […]

PowerPoint Meets Improv
Imagine yourself on stage, just before giving a presentation to a packed house. The spotlight is bright, the audience is smiling at you, the mic is hot. You launch into your topic, click your slideshow remote and turn slightly to reference the first slide—which you’ve never seen before. This is the premise of Speechless, a unique event […]

Avoid Blurry Photos in PowerPoint
How often have you opened up a PowerPoint, started the slideshow mode, only to be stopped in your tracks by a photo that’s blurry? We’ve received many desperate emails from clients asking, “Can you do something with the photos? Why are they so blurry and fuzzy?” A rose is a rose… What happened? Most likely […]