PowerPoint 2007 Special Effects Uneditable in PowerPoint 2003

PowerPoint 2007-10 offers many new graphic features, including SmartArt (preformatted shapes in various configurations with editable text) and sophisticated special effects that can be applied to shapes and text. The special effects include reflections, shadows, glows, bevels and soft edges that previously only could be done with Photoshop or other photo-editing software. Here’s what happens […]

Corrupted Templates and Master Slides

Like many of you, we’ve run across a number of problems when moving files back and forth between PowerPoint 97-2003 and PowerPoint 2007-10. One of the most obvious issues concerns changes to the templates and master slides. Here, we’ll take a look at what kind of changes to expect and how to deal with them. […]

Slide Aspect Ratios: What You Need to Know

Many PowerPoint presentations are formatted at the default 4:3 aspect ratio, which is the display size used by older TV screens and projectors. Widescreen shows, with a 16:9 aspect ratio, are becoming more and more common. Keynote conferences and other high-end events will likely be displayed in widescreen environments. For smaller venues, widescreen HD-capable DLP chip projectors are now very […]

PowerPoint — PC/MAC Version Compatibility

Bluewave performed general tests for PowerPoint version compatibility on both Mac and PC platforms. Here’s what we learned: Opening PC PowerPoint 2003 files in Mac PowerPoint 2004 or 2008 Fonts can be a problem. While easily fixed, it’s best to check each slide carefully. PowerPoint gradients become separate lines of color instead of a solid […]

Reduce File Size in PowerPoint 2003 — Compress Pictures

Here is another quick fix for PowerPoint files that may have grown too large and sluggish due to all the snazzy imported images and graphics. The change in file size can be dramatic, depending on the images. Right-click any picture in your presentation and select Format picture from the drop-down menu. Under the Picture tab, […]